Work Less Play More Podcast

Top 5 Fears Stopping Entrepreneurs from Video Marketing

• Lindsay Johnson, The Radical Connector • Season 3 • Episode 30

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Top 5 Fears Stopping Entrepreneurs from Video Marketing

(And how to get out of your own way!)
Episode 30 with Lindsay Johnson, The Radical Connector

Video marketing is one of the most underused content marketing tools for getting new customers!

Whether you're using short-form videos like TikToks and Instagram Reels, long-form videos like YouTube or courses, or my personal favourite, automated videos in your list-building funnels, sales funnels, or client onboarding process ... video marketing is essential to faster growth and a bigger wow factor with potential clients!

But ... none of that matters if new entrepreneurs are stuck in their heads and letting fear stop them from showing up on camera.

You have brilliance inside you begging to be brought to life on camera but there are some annoying fears holding you back ... and it's time to get over them so the world can see you shine!

Powerful Tidbits Lindsay Shares in This Episode...

  • How overwhelm plays a bigger role in blocking your creativity with videos than you realize
  • #1 hack for generating video content your audience and customers actually WANT!
  • How to get past your tech fears and embrace being a beginner
  • Tips for building up your confidence on camera (and giving yourself permission to be awkward and stiff in the beginning)
  • Lindsay's super simple 5-step framework for structuring your videos that will 10x the speed with which you can create kickass content!

"Overwhelm has a sneaky way of tricking our brains into putting ourselves last or believing we can't do scary things."

- Lindsay Johnson, The Radical Connector

Check Out All the Goodies We Talked About...

👉Video Marketing Made Easy Workshop: September 14 or 16

👉Lindsay's new tattoos!

👉Instagram Live Replay: Top 5 Fears Stopping You From Making More Videos

👉Blog: Top 5 Fears Stopping You From Making More Videos

About Lindsay

Teaching Newbies How to Be Rockstar Entrepreneurs!

Lindsay's goal is to get you making oodles of money in your business in the shortest amount of time and with the least amount of work possible!

Lindsay's a huge entrepreneurship nerd and has been teaching entrepreneurs how to get customers and make money for over 20 years. They believe getting clients and making money doesn't have to be complicated or cost you a small fortune. Lindsay's signature Work Less Play More System teaches entrepreneurs consent-based marketing and sales skills so that they can attract the right strangers and co-create the sales journey with them so they become happy, paying customers. 

As an ADHD entrepreneur, Lindsay has mastered the art of breaking down complex business strategies into simple, step-by-step frameworks that help their clients grow faster, with less burnout, overwhelm, and effort. 

After all, as Lindsay says, you own your business, it shouldn't own you!

Connect with Lindsay
Instagram | TikTok | Website | Podcast | YouTube

And so overwhelm is a really, Major factor in not getting into video marketing because we are trapped in the busyness and in the overwhelm and our brains just can't break free of that.

One of the things that I've really noticed because my business is literally helping other people's businesses grow, is that I can really easily get into a mode where I'm helping everyone else's businesses and my own start suffocating. You're so busy helping clients and customers and everyone else around you that your own business starts to suffocate, 

it's like they say that the shoemaker's kids never have shoes, right? And so my challenge to you right now is looking at yourself, at your business, where you might be feeling overwhelmed and where you might be overgiving. Over caring, over nurturing,

Welcome to the work, less play more podcasts for busy entrepreneurs who are ready to ditch the hustle. Stop burning on busy work and get back to having a life. My name's Lindsay Johnson, AKA The Radical Connector, and I spent the last 10 years teaching first time entrepreneurs, how to get customers and make money.

Listen in, as I chat with other hustle, recovering business owners, as we share our top tips, for you guessed it working less and playing more. Let's do this. .

Hello friends. Welcome to the Work Less Play More podcast. Today we are trying something a little different. Now, first of all, I know. I know. I am so behind on my podcast. Oh my goodness. I don't even know if we've done two or even three yet this year. It has been a very busy time. I've also been dealing with all sorts of injuries and different things.

Yes, that's right. For those who've been following along, I hurt my, my left knee at the beginning of the pandemic and I hurt my right knee. Uh, summer 2023. Well, out in Toronto, I sprained it and I'll tell you what, I feel like my meniscus disc injury is healing faster than a sprained. Knee. This sprained knee is no joke.

It has been two months, and I'm finally, finally just able to walk without my crutches. All that to be said, I have had one heck of a year. It's been fantastic. It's been lovely. It's been wonderful getting up to Toronto again for the first time since the pandemic was awesome. I've had out of town friends come visit this summer.

It's been so good and also it's kind of sucked because my knees are being a, are being jerks. All of that to be said that I know I'm behind in my podcast. I have so many recorded that I cannot wait to get edited and up for you. Those will be coming soon.

We have a really fun one coming out next week as well, featuring Amanda Laird, where we are talking about the, just enough strategy when it comes to your marketing. But today we're doing something a little different. So I have a workshop coming up on September 14th or 16th. You have two dates to choose from, and the workshop is called Video Marketing Made Easy. We're gonna be talking about 10 different ways you can use a video in your marketing and sales processes. So it's more than just tos and Instagrams, more than short form videos, although we will talk about that.

It's also more than YouTube's and podcasts, although we will talk about that as well. But how are you using video in your list building funnel? On your thank you pages? How are you using video to onboard new clients or members to your membership? How are you using video in your email marketing strategies?

There are so many really cool ways to use video that is automated, that is sustainable, and that also helps you create and repurpose content until the cows come home. So on September 14th or 16th, it's a Thursday and a Saturday, you're gonna get to come hang out with me for about 90 minutes and I'm gonna spend a few minutes talking about the 10 different types of content.

And then most importantly, you're gonna be picking your top three and then making your own mini strategy and action plan so you can start using video more. And all of that now to be said, I'm sharing an Instagram live with you because through the month of August and September, I am getting real nerdy with video marketing and going live on Instagram most Fridays when I'm not at the beach with my out of town friends or getting tattoos.

Yes. I got two adorable new tattoos this summer, and I'm gonna share them on the show notes page


Back to the lives. I'm going to be going live to share different ways that I use video, I recommend using video and also how to help you get out of your own way and get on video. So this recording I have for you now is from an Instagram Live. And yes, if you're not already following me either on Instagram or TikTok, it is @radicallinds


Come and follow me. Join me for my lives. But on this one, we are gonna be talking about the top five fears that are stopping you, my amazing entrepreneurs from getting yourselves on camera, getting yourselves on video, and what the heck you can do about it, so you can get outta your way and start blowing people away with your brilliance, your expertise, your wisdom, your experience, because we want it.

Now, I have a blog version of this podcast if you wanna read it. Head on over to the show notes page or my website and I also have the link to the original Instagram live on the show notes page. Or go to my Instagram if you prefer to watch this.

 Without further ado, my biz besties, let's get into it. Hello, what's up? Welcome to my Instagram live. Today, friends, I'm really excited 'cause we're gonna be talking about video marketing in fact. All August and September, I'm going to be talking about video marketing because video marketing is one of the like easiest, best, quickest ways to build no leg trust with your future clients and customers, and yet, It is something so many service-based entrepreneurs are completely overlooking.

It can be so simple and most importantly, so fun so simple, so impactful, and so easy once we learn how to do it. What to do, and like create a rhythm for the way that we create video content.

So if you haven't already, I have a link in my bio to a workshop I'm hosting in September called Video Marketing Made Easy, and I'm actually gonna be sharing 10 different types of video marketing content. That you can create beyond tos, beyond reels. And no, we will not be talking about dancing videos.

Not there's anything wrong with those. They have their place. But I'm gonna be sharing all of my favorite ways to use video content as a marketing tool, especially where you can fit it into your automations, right? Making it in a way that's sustainable, automated, and requires less work than you think. Wham. Pam, what's up? I love building, operating. Yes, me too. The whole thing with like, as entrepreneurs, like our whole goal really, especially service-based entrepreneurs, but really anyone, is to really think about how you're turning your business into a machine.

How are you getting your business working for you? And of course, you've probably heard me talk about that before if you're in my world, right? Entrepreneurship is a powerful tool for liberating yourself, liberating others, but it is a tool. Your business is a tool. It is meant to work for you, not consume you.

So we wanna think about our businesses as machines and think about how, as we are learning more about our audience, our market, our customer, and about. Uh, ourselves as businesses and the way the role that our business fits into our customer's lives, we are able to really create this machine, these automations, to make the process of connecting with the right people and getting them into our world where they have the opportunity to buy from us if and when it's right for them.

We want that to be as automated as possible, and video marketing is a huge part of that. So let's get into it a little bit, uh, if we haven't met yet. Hi, I'm Lindsay. Those of you who know me, you already know me, so bear with me while I talk to the newbies around here. My company is called The Radical Connector.

I am a 20 year entrepreneurship nerd. Really, I'm a lifetime entrepreneurship nerd. I was one of those lucky people who was raised in a family of entrepreneurs. So it's literally in my blood. I nerd out to all things digital marketing, marketing in general, and sales. I created what's called the Work Less, Play More System.

This is in a culmination of all of my experience helping people build businesses, because it's, you know, 20 plus years I've worked with thousands of entrepreneurs with very diverse types of business models. So I have a breadth of experience and expertise that really.

Makes my A D H D brain so happy, but also greatly benefits my clients in getting you making money. Because I'm able to understand the way all these different business models work and how to apply these digital marketing, consent based sales strategies to them. And so I created the Work Less Play More system as a way to teach entrepreneurs how to understand.

Thinking strategically about their marketing and sales efforts and how to really understand what marketing is and how to do it in a really simple, free, easy way. Uh, and then how to incorporate consent based sales so that you're selling to the people who are already looking for someone like you and are ready to like get into it with you and you're not being left with that it factor when it comes to marketing and and selling.

So I've been doing this a long time. I love it so much. Let's get into it. Five fears. That are stopping you from starting to create more video content. Let's get into it. So number one, overwhelm, overwhelm, and the fear around running outta capacity, not having capacity. If I take from here to make videos, I'm left with less over there, So this overwhelm can be all encompassing. When you're an entrepreneur, you're juggling so much, whether it's that you are still working full-time and parenting and getting a business off the ground, or you eventually make the move to be in your business full-time, but you still are having your life responsibilities outside of that and your business is picking up and you're getting really busy.

Busyness is just a reality for a lot of us, and so when that happens, we lose the ability to be as creative when we want to be if we don't make space for it. Does that make sense? And so overwhelm is a really, Major factor in not getting into video content. Video marketing doesn't have to be necessarily content, but video marketing because we are, are trapped in the busyness and in the overwhelm and our brains just can't break free of that.

One of the things that I've really noticed because my business is literally helping other people's businesses grow, is that I can really easily get into a mode where I'm helping everyone else's businesses and my own start suffocating. Uh, can anyone else relate to that? You're so busy helping clients and customers and everyone else around you that your own business starts to suffocate, right?

It's like they say that the shoemaker's kids never have shoes, right? And so my, my challenge to you right now is looking at yourself, at your business, where you might be feeling overwhelmed and where you might be overgiving. Over caring, over nurturing, over delivering. I mean, delivering over-delivering.

When you're a service provider who's got deliverables, that's great, but over-delivering on things you don't need to be. Is there anywhere where you need to dial it in a little bit so that you're not stretched so thin and you have more capacity to look at your own marketing ideas, your own marketing concepts, and dive more into video.

Okay, so that's number one. Number two, content. The fear of what will I talk about? How will I come up with ideas? How will I talk about it? Will anyone even care? Uh, right. If you're like me, I have so many things, so many things to talk about that my brain can't even just pick one. Especially , if you're like a responder like me.

Have you heard of this phrase being a responder? It's where if I'm given a blank screen and told, go write a blog, I can't go come up with 20 content ideas for toss. I can't Right. Go make a sales video. I can't, like, I can't just create something with a blank screen. I need something to respond to. I need a question to come up from somebody in my community.

I need aha to come up, uh, from a, a client session or one of our group sessions. When I have something to respond to, I could go for days. So is anyone else here like that? I'd love to get like a little me if that's you. And I wanna show you something because here's my challenge to you. If you struggle with coming up with what kind of content to create, um, these are all the content ideas that I get.

When I'm coaching with somebody, when I'm in a group coaching situation with my programs, when somebody asks a question or there's an aha, or I have an aha of a new way of phrasing something or teaching something, I write it down And this is also what is like to be an ADHDer . But it's there.

It's there. my challenge to you this week, where are we at Friday? Okay. So for the next week, can you come up with five, five of your own scribbles based on conversations you're having with clients, right. Or in a group setting? Or even if you're scrolling the, the TikTok or Instagram or something and somebody says something that jogs something for you, can you take the pressure off to look at a blank screen and generate a hundred ideas And can you just, in the day-to-day movings of your business come up with five, five things you can create some really cool content around.

When we release this fear of, I don't know what to talk about, or nobody cares, it will completely change the way that you relax and ease into talking about your brilliance, talking about your expertise. The other thing I wanna say too, We also start to get an ease with the content creation itself because we stop putting so much pressure on every single piece of video content we create or video marketing tool that we use.

We stop putting pressure on it being a make or break moment in our business. We start to see that marketing is like an ocean of different activities that you do and different, different tools that you use and different platforms that you have. We see it as an ocean and everything is just a drop, right?

So that video that you're making or that that like welcome video that you sent out to your new client, that's just a tiny little drop in the overall ocean of your marketing and sales strategy and structure. And so it helps you take pressure off to think that you have to get it right every time.

Does that make sense? 

Your challenge this week or the next week is to think of five things you can create content around, whether it's for social media, but it could also be, like I said, a welcome video for a, a new client or a testimonial video that you wanna use with one of your super fans and clients that you wanna share on your website somewhere.

If an idea comes to you in the day-to-day of your business, write it down. Okay? Alright. Number three, the tech. The tech really freaks people out, especially when you see people who have like really great, like their cameras are really good, or they have like a fancy mic or all these different things and we can get really intimidated by it.

Especially even like, how do I go live on Instagram or, oh gosh, how do I add the guests that I just invited? All these things, if you're not super tech savvy, or again, back to the overwhelm, if you just wanna have the capacity to figure out, it's incredibly intimidating and stops a lot of people.

For me, is it perfectionism? I don't know, but I have a good camera. I have, it's not even that good you guys. It was a hundred dollars. Okay. Is it the Logitech camera? It's a, it's a HD 10 80 p, camera, my camera on my laptop sucks.

Side note. I spent a lot of money on this laptop in the pandemic. 'cause I knew I was gonna go heavy into video YouTube and stuff and I wanted a good laptop. But paying a lot for a laptop does not mean it has a good camera. 'cause the camera is garbage. So I bought a Logitech, I literally just got on Amazon.

I was like $99 or whatever. It was like best money ever spent. I got my Blue Yeti microphone, which it was is great, but I think it was like 180, 200 bucks. But there are mics that are less. Expensive that are just as good, but for me, I knew I wanted a good camera and I wanted good sound, because I wanted people to be able to hear me clearly, and see me clearly. Right? So those are the first two things. Get yourself a microphone and a camera. They don't have to blow your budget on that, but it's something that just elevates the look of your content, and then after that I just buy little lights.

Like I have these great little light stands that are movable and they've got color inserts that I can move around so that it changes if it's more of a, of a warm light or a cool light again. And just got, got a couple of those, I'll have to come and share all my equipment with you.

So, you know, grab yourself a couple of lights to get more light on your face. Um, When it comes to like editing, like I used a script for editing my video and my audio, like my podcast and my videos. there's all these things that you can use and it becomes a really, oh my God, I just remember the story.

Okay. It becomes really intimidating when, when there's so many things to choose from. And so, YouTube is your friend. If you're like, how do I light this better? What is a good mic? How do I edit using this tool? Use YouTube, use the technology that's out there. Use the people who are creating the answers to these questions and stop thinking.

You have to figure it all out on your own. Also, ask me, are your other biz besties? Stop thinking? You have to figure out on your own. When I first started making video, my very, very first course, way back in the day, friends, it was called ible Entrepreneurs Academy. For those of you who've been around me for a while, you most likely went through it.

It was an amazing course. Friends, it was 100 hours of video content. By the time I was done, it was an incredibly comprehensive course, all about building a business from beginning to end. It was very comprehensive, but at the time, I had no. No video editing skills. I didn't even have a proper platform friends.

I literally would record on Zoom and then just try to get it in one shot. And if I messed up, I would start the whole thing all over again.

but the course was there and it worked and it was great. Okay. I used slides so I wasn't on camera, so that helped 'cause it allowed me to read instead of having to be on camera. I think back to the torture of having a 10 or 15 minute video, one of my long ones, and then. Getting it wrong or like choking or something, having to like start all over again.

Okay. So there's lots of really simple to use software out there. Also, if you have the budget, you can hire someone to do it. So just remember that the tech can be intimidating, but there's people like me, there's people out there who can help give you some good insight. side note, just to get nerdy for a second.

So like I said, I used a script, do all my audio and video editing. And they have a new beta, AI feature coming out, where if I'm editing and I happen to look down at my screen to like read my notes, it will keep my eyes tracked as looking at the camera. So you can start looking at your notes or reading off your notes and it will make your eyes look like you're looking at the camera the whole time.

So this is the thing too, is in the last like six, seven years, the technology has changed so much. Right? And it's all there. It's all available to you. so that's the tech. I know that it can be intimidating.

I know that it can stop you because there's so moving parts. Ask your business friends, watch some YouTube videos, practice using it, and before you know it, you will be a whizz and it, you will do it on autopilot. Without even thinking, just give yourself permission to get it wrong. Give yourself permission to fumble in the beginning and to not be perfect because it will be refined over time.

We cannot, we cannot go into any new. Thing in business oriented life, expecting to be experts, expecting to get it nailed down from the top because we're just setting ourselves up for a lot of pain. Let yourself be a beginner. Let yourself be a beginner. I always think of that quote from story time.

Dude sucking at something is the first step to getting kind of good at it, right? Like, you know, let yourself be beginner and, and, and sock at something. Okay, number four, confidence. Not having the confidence to show up and just be yourself. Right? So when Facebook Lives first started, you guys were way back when?

When Facebook Lives first started. I thought they were the coolest thing, but I was so in my head about it. I was so in my head about all of these things. Content tech, confidence, overwhelm that it took me one year. One year to make my first Facebook live video. What, of course now I can just go live with the drop of a hat and riff on anything, right?

Like it's, it's not a big deal. But I was so in my head about it and oh my goodness was I, I was so stiff even when I was making my YouTube videos, I, 'cause I would follow a format and have a formula for making a YouTube video and I'm would record this thing. And if you look at my earlier YouTubes, I'm so s.

Diff Right, but again, because I gave myself permission to be a beginner. I gave myself permission to be rigid and awkward. Right? But don't be like me. Don't take it here to get yourself on video. Okay? Really, confidence comes from having a conversation. And I know it can feel really awkward, kind of like talking into the void, talking into a camera, and you have no idea who's there. You have no idea if you're making sense and you know, oh my God, and you know, heaven forbid you should cough or trip on your words or say something wrong.

Oh, it's over now. Right? No, I want you to remember this phrase right now. Okay? Vulnerability is endearing. I just said this to a friend yesterday. Vulnerability is endearing. Our humanness, our awkwardness, our mistakes, these are the things that endear us to people, not about being perfect all the time.

Perfectly polished, right? Perfectly. Like, oh my God, I would've never worn a hat before. I would've had a collared shirt and had my hair done. Like what? So. Let yourself be vulnerable. Let yourself be rigid if you need to be and tell you ease up. But confidence truly comes from knowing who you are, believing in what you have to say, and then letting yourself relax and just talk to the camera as if you're talking to a friend.

Just relax, have a conversation. Let yourself be awkward and make mistakes. It's fine. Do you know what? Can I tell you something really silly? Some context being neurodivergent, being a D H D I notice all these really interesting things that I do like.

So for example, if I'm having a hard time focusing when someone's talking, I'll touch my chin. If you ever see me touch my chin, it's 'cause my brain is really loud and I'm having a hard time focusing. Another thing that I do when I want to ease into a video is I start like this. I just start like this. I don't know why it makes me relax.

I do this, and as you see me start feeling like this, just know I'm having a hard time settling in and it helps me relax. There is something about loosening up my body language, right? Giving myself visual cues that help me if I'm thinking, you're gonna see me do this. It's so weird. You see me do this.

It's because I'm thinking, I'm, I'm thinking right now about a solution for you. You see me do this, I'm really excited. So for yourself, what are some physical cues that you can give yourself to, to just. Relax to ease in. And then I truly want you to talk to the camera like it's a friend. Pretend like picture somebody.

Picture someone that you love, who you know is gonna love hearing this information and put them in place right there and talk to them as if you're just talking to them live. so number five. The last thing, the format. The format, where we get tripped up is what to say, right?

What to say? What do we do? Would I come on here and I'm awkward, I don't know what to say. My brain goes blank. The stress kicks in. I panic, right? What do I do? And, and we get. Lost in sharing features over benefits, facts, over stories. So if you've been around me, you know, but if you haven't, I'm gonna tell you.

So we always say features tell, benefits sell or facts tell. Stories sell. And what we're saying there is that when we're talking about a feature, a description of a thing, the toaster is red, it's about this big, I don't know, I dunno. Measurements. Alright. That's a feature. The benefit is it never burns your toast.

So you always have perfect toast every morning. That's a benefit, right? So when we say facts, tell story, sell. So fact, we get intimidated by the tech when creating a new Facebook Live, but the story is, I was so attuned. It's me one year to get going, and now I feel so silly because it's so easy.

I don't know why I was overthinking it. So again, it's like the, the benefits and the features, the benefits. Sell the benefits. Tell that person what's in it for them. Right? When we talk about facts and stories, the facts tell, but the stories ground what you're saying into some sort of relatable context for the people that are watching, right?

And so when we talk about the, the format of a story, we often get stuck in talking about Facts and features. And we forget to loosen up and share stories, right? Be relatable. So when you are creating a video, whether it's a 15 second reel, or TikTok, or it's like a full on sales video, you wanna remember these four things.

Number one, you wanna start with a hook. Some sort of relatable question or statement that's going to be, again, recognizable, relatable, and grab someone and go, Ooh, I wanna know more. Then we wanna have a bit of an intro where you talk a little bit about who you are and what you do. And again, we wanna generally keep this brief, but we want it to again, be relatable thinking about, and, and I'm gonna say relatable and strategic.

Think about the content of the video, think about who this video is for, and that, how that intro should be phrased is in a way that highlights the parts of you that are relevant to this moment, right, to this piece of content you're creating. All right. Then number three is the content. Give them the content and make sure that you're, you're balancing facts with stories.

Alright, or features with benefits. You're not just being vague and general and listing point form, you're weaving in stories and experiences and things that are relatable and give it context and grounding so the people that are watching or listening can, can see themselves, can feel themselves in this.

Also, those stories are a way to build no leg trust, right? It's letting people get to know you, getting familiar with you, getting to trust you, right? Getting to resonate with you. And then finally, number four, call to action. Give people a call to action. What do you want them to do? Sometimes we get so focused on the content itself that we forget to leave people with a call to action.

Do you want them to sign up for a workshop? Like we're gonna talk about my video marketing made easy workshop, do you want them to follow you? Do you want them to reply in some way? What do you want people to do? So think about that call to action. So again, format, we get intimidated because we don't know how and what to say and in what order, right?

We get focused on features. We get focused on facts and forget to warm it up and make it interesting. So remember number one, a hook number two bit brief intro number three, the content where you share both facts and stories, or both features and benefits. Alright, and then number four, that call to action.

Alright, so that being said, if you want to sign up, I am hosting a workshop, September 14th and 16th. I'm giving you a weekday in the weekend to choose from video marketing made easy.

I'm gonna take you through my 10 type different types of videos that you can be incorporating into your marketing and sales strategies that are meant to be sustainable. Automated and really simple for you to get going and off the ground. and I'm gonna be talking about some of my favorite automations, especially my favorite sales, uh, funnel automations using video.

So we're gonna get into that. Um, so you can get the link for that in my bio and come get yourself registered. Alright friends, thank you so much for joining, I will see you next Friday for how to get comfortable talking into the void when you're making a video.

Uh, and until then, make it a fantastic weekend. Bye everybody. 

All Right. What'd you think on Instagram Live? I hope you got one or two great tips from it. Again, you could check out the blog to see all of my steps and suggestions written out. It's a bit easier for you to take note and implement in your own business. And of course, head over to Instagram @radicallinds to find the original video.

And get your butt signed up for my video Marketing Made Easy workshop. This is for any entrepreneur who wants to get serious about using video and their marketing and sales processes, whether it's short form video like TikTok and reels longer form video, like YouTube, even podcasts.

Getting into creating courses. and some of my favorites. Using videos in your automations, like your list building funnels, your sales funnels, your client onboarding funnels

and your launch funnels. Heck yes.

So you can of course find all the Again in the show notes at Work Less playmore 

And also drop me a line on Instagram. Tell me if you liked this as a format for the podcast. Tell me if you liked me just sharing a recording of the Instagram Live. Should I do this for all of them? Thanks for hanging out with me today. We'll see you online

Thank you so much for joining me today. If you wanna learn more about joining my community, for new entrepreneurs and influencers who wanna ditch the busy work and discover how to work less and play more, all the way to six figures and beyond, please visit the radical Check out today's show notes for all the juicy resources we covered.

If you love what you've heard, subscribe and leave a review. Happy connecting. I will see you online.

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