Work Less Play More Podcast
Welcome to the Work Less Play More podcast, home to misfit entrepreneurs, just like you, building your business to the beat of your own drum and radical enough to believe you can change the world. I'm your host, Lindsay Johnson, AKA The Radical Connector, and I've been teaching entrepreneurs how to sell more with less ick for over 20 years. If you're ready to learn how to use your business to make great money and change the world so that you can ditch your desk and go have a life, you've come to the right place. Are you ready? Let's get into it.
Work Less Play More Podcast
Podcasts That Will Make You a Better Entrepreneur in 2022
Season One was a smashing success and thanks to your generous and overwhelmingly positive feedback, I know that the wisdom and experiences our guests shared and the marketing and sales tips I taught y'all have had a profound impact on your lives and your businesses in 2021.
We're back with an even more powerful season in 2022 with big conversations, powerful stories, and all the best business advice and actionable tips to help you work less, play more ... and live a life beyond your wildest dreams!
In this mini-episode, I share:
- Why the heck it took me so long to get season two on the air (hint: Mental Health!)
- What I learned from YOU in season one
- How you can share your input for an even stronger season two
- What's in store for you in the 2022 season
"We are not going to shy away from difficult conversations and we'll be bringing you real, lived experiences from some truly brilliant minds and heart-centred, thoughtful entrepreneurs." - Lindsay Johnson
Podcasts You Need to Hear:
- How to Set Business Goals for 2022: 15 Year-End Questions to Ask Before Setting Business Goals with Lindsay Johnson
- Entrepreneur Mental Health is Good Business: Making Space for Mental Health with Kristen Westcott
- Entrepreneur Burnout Signs: When Burnout Makes You Lose Your Passion with Nick McGraw
- Why Work-Life Balance as an Entrepreneur is Important: What Happens When Your Body Says No with Sarah Taylor
Books & Blogs You Need to Read:
- How to Spot Entrepreneurial Burnout (Before It's Too Late) Read Here
- How To Identify And Overcome Entrepreneurial Burnout
💌 Get Lindsay's Ick-Free Sales Scripts!
📺 Save your seat for Shop Talks on YouTube
About Lindsay
Lindsay Johnson, aka The Radical Connector, is a sales & visibility coach for misfit entrepreneurs building their business to the beat of their own drum and radical enough to believe they can change the world!
Lindsay’s passion for showing entrepreneurs how to use entrepreneurship as a tool to liberate themselves and others from systems of oppression and lead an impactful life shines through in everything they do.
After 20+ years of teaching entrepreneurs how to make money in a way that feels good, Lindsay’s message is clear: you matter, the work you do is important, and we need you to make excellent money so you can change the freaking world!
Connect with Lindsay
Instagram | TikTok | Website | Podcast | YouTube | Blog
Lindsay - Welcome Back to the Work Less Play More Podcast
[00:00:00] Lindsay: Welcome to the Work Less Play More Podcast for busy entrepreneurs who are ready to ditch the hustle, stop burning on busy work and get back to having a life. My name's Lindsay Johnson, AKA The Radical Connector, and I spent the last 10 years teaching first time entrepreneurs, how to get customers and make money.
[00:00:20] Lindsay: Listen in, as I chat with other hustle, recovering business owners, as we share our top tips, for you guessed it working less and playing more. Let's do this. .
[00:00:31] Lindsay: Hello friends. Welcome back to the Work Less Play More podcast, a season two. We are finally getting it going. It has been a minute since my last recording. Of course I haven't recorded anything since December where I shared my 15 year-end business questions to ask yourself before setting your goals for the next year, which happens to be by the way, our most downloaded podcast.
[00:00:56] Lindsay: So I'm really glad that you all enjoyed it. if you haven't listened to it yet, please go and [00:01:00] listen. It is a podcast that you can listen to at any time and I take you through the questions you need to be asking yourself about your business before you set goals, because it's really important to make sure that you understand what is working and what is not working in your business before you move forward.
[00:01:16] Lindsay: So if you haven't already go listen to that podcast, when you're done here, it is our most downloaded. There also is a blog attached to that podcast. So if you're like me and you want to see it written down and you can answer to the questions as you go, please go and check out the show notes on that as well,
[00:01:30] Lindsay: and you can access the blog. And if I remember correctly, there might even be a worksheet. I don't remember. Maybe not. It could just be a blog, but you know, it's there, it's there for you. Now, listen, here we are. It is April, April, 2022. And I'm finally getting this season going. Friends, I don't know about you, but it was a rough winter.
[00:01:51] Lindsay: I mean, I had one of the roughest winters I've had in many, many years and I feel like it's kind of obvious. It doesn't need to be said [00:02:00] why. I know a lot of people are really struggling right now. And thankfully for those of us on this side of the world, with the sun coming out, we're heading into spring, we've got the bird singing, we got the cherry blossoms.
[00:02:10] Lindsay: it Is definitely having an impact, but whew baby! I definitely took a lot of space between really between December and mid-March to just let myself rest and, support my own mental health. It has been a really intense few months and I am definitely happy that I'm feeling like myself again and back at the mic back in front of the camera and back, hanging out with y'all online.
[00:02:36] Lindsay: I do want to give you all a reminder to reach out to your quiet friends, your strong friends, your happy friends, and check in on them. As a society. We put the onus on people, struggling with depression and anxiety to reach out. And if you've ever experienced depression or anxiety yourself you know that that is next to impossible.
[00:02:59] Lindsay: When your brain is [00:03:00] telling you you're worthless, you're a burden. You don't matter. Nah. Now one of the books has really helped me shift my thinking around that is Burnout by Emily and Amelia Nagoski and I mentioned this book all the time on the podcast, and yes, it is in the show notes.
[00:03:15] Lindsay: One of the lines that they said that really stood out to me, sadness is a beacon, not a burden. Sadness is a beacon to call in our loved ones to support us when things are rough. And if you're somebody who's dealt with depression or anxiety, or really any type of neurodivergence, we often look at those big, heavy feelings as a burden and as a reason to stay away and not burden other people.
[00:03:40] Lindsay: So what do you say you and me, we flip the script from putting the pressure on those who are literally trying to survive minute by minute, to reach out to you, and instead I say to you, dear listeners, check in on your quiet, isolated, single, strong, cheerful friends. All right. [00:04:00] Let's officially kick off season two of the Work Less Play More Podcast.
[00:04:04] Lindsay: Whew. I've been doing some cool interviews with some seriously bad-ass entrepreneurs over the past few months, and I've got a sweet lineup of even more stories from successful business owners, who've been transformed by their own entrepreneurial journey.
[00:04:18] Lindsay: As always, we are not going to shy away from difficult conversations and we'll be bringing you real lived experiences from some truly brilliant minds and heart centered, thoughtful entrepreneurs. And of course my podcast wouldn't be complete without sharing business tips and strategies along the way.
[00:04:36] Lindsay: Friends, let me tell you in season one, as I was putting together a podcast for you, I kind of kept thinking in the back of my head.
[00:04:42] Lindsay: I wonder if you're enjoying the interviews, but the business skills taught through the podcast format weren't as enjoyable. But it turns out as I was talking to some of the listeners, you all are loving the business skills that I'm teaching on the podcast as well. I got so much, really powerful and [00:05:00] positive feedback from y'all on season one on how the stories and the experiences that were shared in the interviews really impacted you and genuinely changed the way that you think about yourself,
[00:05:10] Lindsay: think about your business and just move through the world. And then to my surprise, I also got a lot of really great feedback on how much the business skills, the marketing and sales skills that I was teaching you also impacted you. It was really neat to look at my analytics and see how y'all are consuming
[00:05:25] Lindsay: the podcast. Many of you are listening on desktops. Many of you are streaming them on your smart TVs. And of course, many of you are listening to them in the car, going from destination to destination. And one of the coolest things that I learned from you, is that when you're listening, if you're even just taking one or two shifts in the way you approach your own marketing and sales in your business, it's a win. So I've been on the fence about sharing marketing and sales strategies,
[00:05:50] Lindsay: this season. If you still want me to throw in episodes that share my favorite strategies and action steps for growing your business right [00:06:00] alongside these profound interviews. Please DM me on Instagram at @radicallinds and let me know.
[00:06:05] Lindsay: Now, I've got two podcasts already up and ready for you to listen to. We're going to kick things off with Sam Laliberte from Freedom Lifestyle, and she's going to be sharing her journey as an entrepreneur and how she's used her business to be able to create a nomadic lifestyle that lets her live and work and play all over the world.
[00:06:24] Lindsay: And then of course, I've got a business tips episode for you all about the difference between social media and SEO content and which one to choose for your business.
[00:06:34] Lindsay: Friends. I'm delighted to be back for another season of the Work Less Play More Podcast. I'm delighted, you're going to be along the journey with me.
[00:06:40] Lindsay: Let's make some business magic together.
[00:06:43] Lindsay: Friends, thank you so much for joining me today. Remember to check out the show notes for all links to the resources that we shared. Did you know that I have a 12 month coaching program with weekly group coaching on all things marketing, sales and business growth for first time, [00:07:00] service-based entrepreneurs called Easier Entrepreneurship Club.
[00:07:03] Lindsay: If you've been working your buns off and not seeing the growth that you know is possible, you need to come join my club. It is the only 12 month program out there that teaches you real, actionable business skills that work with a business coach, me and a ridiculously fun community of entrepreneurs supporting you every step of the way.
[00:07:22] Lindsay: You can find out more at theradicalconnector.com/club Remember the life is not all about work and I want y'all working less and playing more. Friends, I will see you online.